How to borrow on Zest Protocol?

Institutions looking to borrow Bitcoin on Zest Protocol should connect with pool delegates. Once whitelisted, borrowers can request Bitcoin capital by creating a loan vault which holds collateral and receives funding. After submitting a loan request, pool delegates will review and perform due diligence on the borrower. After terms are agreed with the pool delegate, the pool delegate will make the loan amount available for drawdown by the borrower.

This requires a confidential assessment of borrower reputation, management background, business strategy and financial records. Once pool delegates approve funding from the lending pool, borrowers will be able to withdraw the requested Bitcoin capital for a fixed term, at a fixed rate, and at a fixed collateralization level.

When the loan maturity date approaches, borrowers are able to request a roll-over from their respective pool delegate. After approval by the pool delegate, the loan is rolled-over on new terms without the borrower having to repay the principal first.

The user experience for borrowers:

To borrow BTC, Borrowers take the following steps:

Last updated